About us

Combine the power of technology, Engineering & Innovation to deliver advanced & comprehensive solutions.

Teqtis, professional PCB Engineering and Software service provider located only in Chennai (India). We offer Engineering and software solutions. We have highly skilled Engineers in PCB industry to understand your challenges, analyze, processes and to be a part of the solution. (* We have no other branches anywhere)

Teqtis is engaged in the procurement, tooling, designing and automation activities in PCB Industry. Excellence in meeting the quality of its products and services as per requirements and customer specification by,

--  Adopting excellence in everything we do.

--  Emphasis on customer service.

-- Strict compliance to applicable std and regulations for all our activities.

--  Optimizing costs through maximizing productivity.


-- On time delivery and on budget.

-- Time zone advantage, 24/7 customer support.

-- Experience in understanding and executing complex design and development.

-- Multi-disciplinary capabilities solving complex issues.

-- Develop and provide services that are relevant and at the cutting edge of innovation.

-- Quality built-in at every stage, get world class results from experienced professional.

Our Vision & Mission

To help clients innovate and accelerate their requirements to turn great ideas into profitable products. To continuous improve client success by following a world-class service approach, along with a scalable and customizable delivery approach. Whether you need a complete Engineering solutions / Software development or just a little extra help, get in touch and we will do our best to assist!



            Chennai, Tamilnadu

            India - 600049.

 044 4026 1277 

            (+91) 8248708476