TEQTIS specializes in Engineering Consultancy and Software Development, particularly in PCB solutions. We provide top-notch outsourcing support to the PCB industry, ensuring exceptional quality, timely delivery, and cost-efficiency.

" PCB Engineering - Tailored to your needs "


Provides complete Front End Engineering services for global PCB Manufacturers. It includes RFQ- Design data review to prepare accurate quotes & once order confirmed, CAM tooling input to output...etc 

Our automation Engineers are fluent in leading CAM tooling software and production knowledge to reduce the risk of errors and improve the productivity of your in-house systems.

Teqtis harnesses the latest software to offer cost-effective layout & design services. Our priority is to ensure that your quality and performance goals are met on a timely basis so that your production can yield the best possible results.

Provides comprehensive and integrated solutions - website design & development, web-desktop and mobile application as well as the development and implementation of world-class business application on the cloud. 

CAM Tooling* - Sample Jobs For Evaluation



            Chennai, Tamilnadu

            India - 600049.

 044 4026 1277 

            (+91) 8248708476